My name is Marcus Gibson and I equip young people to develop their life skills and learn how to manage some of the stresses that may occur. While also, consulting with parents to navigate their child's developmental needs to increase family functionality and improve communication.
My calling to work with children began my freshman year in high school as I joined a youth auxiliary group made up of high school males that focused on scholarship and service. Through working in the community, I found I had a gift to effectively help children. As I spent over 20 years walking in my purpose, I have been privileged to experience becoming co-advisor of the auxiliary club I started my path in, volunteered with the Big Brother Big Sister Program of the Chattahoochee Valley, graduated with an early childhood education degree, completed countless hours of supervised experience in an actual simulated work setting, became youth director at Foundation Point Church, attended training courses, received certifications, got featured in publications, had speaking opportunities, and founded a nonprofit youth organization called SupporTeen Youth, Inc.
I've personally impact so many youth & families lives and now I want the opportunity to work with you. With everything going on in today's society, parents and youth can benefit from the Coach Marcus G experience.